In our minds, our reality is always telling us we are not doing as well as can be or as successful as others. I find myself sometimes walking with a frown on my face, figuring out how to be successful. I am always coming away tired, beaten down by the thought of how difficult it would be to be successful. It was even difficult defining what would be considered successful.
Maybe I should change the narrative. Change my reality. I'm able bodied. I have a job earning a good salary, with that salary able to pay for a house, a modest car and childcare. I have a family whom I love very much. I'm grateful for what I have. Therefore whatever I am doing next is not going to be tough. It is going to be an adventure. An adventure that will take me to meet new places, new people and learn new things.
If we really look around us, nothing is easy. All is tough. Why put our minds through that lens? Why not change that language. Yeah, life is tough. Other people have triumphed over more difficult circumstances. If we instead look and think of it as the opposite...instead life is going to be fun, adventurous, road less traveled, a wonderful world of self-discovery.
Start sowing the seed of endless energy by first changing the language, narrative and lens in which we describe our current lives.
We can do it...we can define our own success and discover our new selves.