Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Taking Initiative and Not Afraid to Fail While Doing It

Taking Initiative 


Not Afraid to Fail While Doing It

I'm referencing Seth Godin's blog post on initiative. I contemplated going beyond just sharing a useful tool to my boss. As in, to start putting content inside, codes, suggestions, links and so on. I was afraid it would amount to nothing, as in, it will not be useful for the team. Then I thought about what Seth wrote about this topic and that's it, he is totally right.

If we thought about the things we thought about doing which had a spark of creativity, a spark of hope but then we pulled back due to fear of failure and rejection. It has happened to me so many times. Sometimes I pull back, I may have thought the stakes was too high. Sometimes I go ahead, when I have given it some thought and well, there was nothing to lose except some ego (which no one really cares about...most people care mostly for themselves), and sometimes it works out and sometimes it don't. However, I walk away with so much more insight to how I function and how I interact with the people around me. It is so interesting, but then so scary at the same time...which funny when I think about it, I feel so happy.

So there it is, I made a decision to just start putting content into that tool. Codes, suggestions, brainstorms, articles, whatever...

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